The final goodbye

The final goodbye

Benefits of Black Granite for Headstones

by Monica Ruiz

An aspect of any traditional burial funeral is ensuring there is a headstone or memorial marker for the grave site. This means choosing from a variety of stones, including granite. Before you settle on the traditional grey granite, there are a few benefits of black granite you should consider. Here are a few of those benefits to consider before visiting your local granite cemetery monuments supplier.

Weather Resistance

One of the key benefits to a black granite option for headstones is the weather resistance. Granite is a hard, naturally occurring substance that can stand up to heavy rains, erosion, and heat. There is a misconception that black granite might fade or develop cracks due to the extreme and ongoing heat. The truth is that black granite is just as resistant to the heat as any other form of granite stone that can be used as a headstone. Black granite can also hold up well to strong winds, rains, and snow, making it ideal for most environments. 


If you plan on having engraving that consists of imagery or photographic imagery, a black headstone may be an ideal option. Though the traditional grey stone will easily show engraving and imagery, black can help colours stand out more. This means you can use more colour and detail on engraving, giving a lasting more personalised memorial option. The engraving can also break through the first layers of the black granite to the lighter granite underneath. This allows for the engraving to have a longer-lasting quality without having to have touch-ups as often as other granite.

Glinting Appearance

An aspect of black granite that appeals to many people is the glinting shine it can give off naturally. There are small specks in the granite that allow the sun to glint off the stone and cause a glittering effect that some people refer to as a galaxy look. This effect makes the stone look as if it has more depth and makes engraving stand out more. This effect is available in other granite stones, but it is more noticeable in the black granite varieties. 

When you are ready to place your order for a memorial or grave site headstone, contact your local granite cemetery monuments supplier. They can help you with the style of stone, engraving and questions you have about ordering. They can also show you styles and options if you want to deviate from a traditional headstone and engraving options.


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The final goodbye

Working in a funeral home means we give people a chance to say their final goodbye to loved ones. No matter how hard it is in the moment to let go, when they look back, they are always grateful when they look back to have had a chance to mourn with family and friends and say their final goodbye. Everyone mourns differently, so we have different services and structures to support people through the process of choosing all of the details of the service. If you are confused by the options available, keep reading. This site is an introduction to funeral services.